Don Herriott

Don Herriott is a small business owner, has worked as an executive with SYNTEX and is a former president and CEO of Roche Carolina (Roche).

Don has spent much of his career with Roche, including terms as President & CEO of Roche Carolina where he helped develop a $600 million pharmaceutical manufacturing investment. In 2004 he was named head of Roche Global Chemical Manufacturing with responsibility for worldwide sourcing of small molecule pharmaceutical active ingredients and for manufacturing sites in S.C., Colorado, Switzerland, Ireland, Mexico, Austria, and Germany.

Following his retirement from Roche, he was named director of the University of South Carolina’s economic development function, Innovista Partnerships, which later became the University Office of Economic Engagement.

Currently, Don owns multiple businesses in the upstate. Some of his many civic contributions include serving on the Executive Committee of the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness, Past Chairman of South Carolina Chamber Commerce and founding Chairman of The School Foundation. He chaired the Governor’s Task Force on Education and Workforce Development, which led to the passage of the 2005 Education and Economic Development Act.